We had our first ultrasound today to figure out how far along we are. The baby is approximately 9 weeks and 2 days old, which means the due date is August 18th, 2009. We can’t wait! But before all of that happens, we wanted to fill you in on some things and ask you to be praying with us. This isn’t because our doctor said anything negative in the appointment – on the contrary, she kept saying everything looked “perfect.” But because I am a Type I Diabetic, there is a higher risk for potential development problems, especially if my sugars weren’t perfect during the baby’s first 6 weeks of life. I’ll give you a little diabetes lesson here… any diabetic’s blood sugar is never
perfect. We were never meant to think like pancreases – which is why God gave us one!
Anyway, there is a test that I take every 3 months to figure out how my sugars have been over the previous 3 months (don’t ask me how they know this), and a normal reading is around 6.0. I remember when I was first diagnosed and trying to get everything under control – my A1C at that time was about 12, which is absolutely horrible. Anyway, all that to give you a little bit of context… My last A1C reading was in December when I was pregnant, but before we knew. It was 7.2. This isn’t awful, but it isn’t great either. There were definitely some highs and lows going on. This has me somewhat concerned as doctor’s say you should aim to have it much better even before conception. Anyway, all that to say, please be praying for us and for Baby Miller in the following areas:
For the baby to have no developmental problems, especially with the organs and spine. This prayer is most critical throughout the 1st Trimester.
For the baby not to grow too big. This is almost a given with diabetic moms. Noa was 9 pounds, 7 ounces when she came out a week early. Had they known (the ultrasound said she was 8 pounds), they would’ve wanted to do a C-section.
For me to have as much discipline with my eating as possible. Ummm… easier said than done – especially when you don’t feel like eating anything for the first 12 weeks. I did great with this during my last pregnancy, but it is always a struggle as insulin needs dramatically increase the further along you are. I was taking about 10 times the insulin towards the end of my pregnancy as I was in the beginning. It takes constant monitoring and an insane amount of communication with my endocrinologist.
For healthy and honest interactions with my doctors. As I said before, they are constantly concerned and want to monitor everything, and often get very frustrated with you if things aren’t perfect. There’s a tendency with diabetics to just want to lie so they think you have great sugars. I can’t say I’m above it. ☺ But, obviously that does no good for anyone. I would
love anxiety-free appointments.
For a safe and healthy labor and delivery. We would love to have the most natural experience possible (even though I’ll be in the hospital) and to also avoid a C-section again. We will be praying that the baby even comes early as to get him or her out before they’re too big. But, of course we are most concerned about a healthy mom and healthy baby. That’s what matters most.
Above all, may God be praised for this little life! We anxiously await all that He’ll do through this sweet baby.
“For you formed my inward parts. You wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth. Your eyes have seen my unformed substance and in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them.” - Psalm 139:13-16