Noa's been wearing pants so often because of the cold weather and because it is easier for her to crawl around in them. I miss seeing her in little dresses! One day last week when it was a little bit warmer outside I put this little dress on her and thought she looked so cute. Unfortunately, I felt bad that night when her knees were all red and worn. Back to pants for a while...
By the way... Noa's first tooth is finally coming through and her second tooth is on the way too (bottom front teeth)! I think she likes 'em. :) She's also really been into sucking her thumb lately. It came out of nowhere. She's never even like pacifiers and all the sudden a few weeks ago it was thumb, thumb, thumb. I know it might be a pain later, but we sure think it's cute now! She had a doctor's appointment last week and she's still in the 90th percentile for weight and 97th for height. She actually went down since her 6 month appointment though - so I'm sure it is all evening out. We don't want it to even out for a while though - we definitely love those rolls!!!
so sweet. I have a picture of Rebecca just like the one of Noa at the window. And...Becca was a thumb sucker. Yes, it was a pain to break when she was still sucking at 5 years old but...I'm telling ya...makes for a GREAT baby who can soothe herself back to sleep.
Thanks for the Noa fix!!! She looks so much older in the first picture. That is my favorite picture of Noa now!!! Hope everyone is feeling better!!
I had a thumb sucker, binkie sucker and a "manny sucker" (sucks on his burp clothes). It is easier to have a thumb sucker when they are little and need to suck. They just have it and will pacify themselves easily. The binkie is hard when they are babies, because if it falls out you have to keep putting it back in for them. (until they learn how) It is much easier to take away the binkie or burp cloth and it's really hard to break the thumb habit later on. Either way....babies usually NEED soemthing to suck on. I'm glad she found her thumb! :0) I'm wondering what this fourth baby will suck on, since we've had once of each now! :0)
I know Katie! She looks so old in that picture!
Melissa. Crazy.
What a cutie!
It's so fun watching her grow. I think she looks older in that first pic. too. Thanks for sharing the photos with us. :)
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