Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mother's Morning In

Today I took Noa in to the church, but Ruthie stayed with me because she has some kind of strange cough that amounts to nothing, but won't go away. I don't even think she's sick, but oh well, we're hanging out today. So, instead of having four glorious hours to get out and have time to myself, I have four hours at home, as usual. :) BUT, for each of my 7 readers this is good news! I am actually uploading a few videos for your enjoyment! Pictures of the last month to follow - but for now, here's the girls in action...

Two steps forward...

One step back... (Ruthie's preferred method)

Noa and her pumpkin.


The Davison Family said...

Wonder if Noa's name choices will ever be different than names like: George and Gary? :)

G-Metal, Coco, Angel Face and Bunny said...

I love the pumpkin's name is George! I can't believe how big the girls are getting. It's like Ruthie went from a baby to a toddler overnight! Such sweet girls and I think they're starting to look more alike? What do you think?

Unknown said...

Love it! (I think I'm saying that every time I post something on your blog, but whatever)
You look really good for being 28 weeks pregnant... you're skinnier than the last time I saw you (which of course is when you were pregnant with Noa....)

Love from the Netherlands!