Saturday, August 28, 2010

Go Lions!

The JICS football team had their first home game on Friday night, so we decided to take the girls and cheer them on. So glad we went because it was loads of fun. Ruthie was a little bit pooped (o.k. A LOT pooped - way past their bedtime), but we did get to stay for a good bit of the game and you know, us girls don't really watch the game anyway, so it was the perfect amount of time.
We ended up losing (we were playing the best team and this was our first year for football), but the fact that our guys even scored on this team was a pretty big deal. So, we were proud.
Noa decided to root for Tyler (#8) who baby sat her once. Since then she's had a crush on him, thinking every guy with shaggy, brown hair is Tyler. He came up and said 'hi' to her before the game started, but had his helmet on so she got scared. Funny. But all during the game she said, "Go Tywer! Go Tywer!"
Ruthie was rooting for Andrew (#21) the quarterback, who is also a PK. :) She wouldn't really let me get the 21 on her face so I knew that trying to write "Go Lions" wouldn't work at all. This was pretty much her face the whole game - tired little Babers!
Noa hung out with Gracie the whole time. They chased each other around, waved their pom poms and watched the little girl cheerleaders. So precious.

At one point, the cheerleaders were doing a cheer and Noa couldn't take her eyes off of them. As soon as they were finished, she turned to the crowd and started swaying back and forth to the ABC's while clapping, as if this was her own version of the cheer! She sang the whole song (loudly) and even got some applause when she was finished! She also had a tiny megaphone and kept picking it up yelling, "Go Wions! Go Wions!" It was the cutes thing I've ever seen. So of course, now we HAVE to get her a little cheerleading outfit! :)
All in all, it was a great time. Lots of friends, lots of fun, and it kept the girls entertained for a long time! Go Lions!


G-Metal, Coco, Angel Face and Bunny said...

Wow! JICC Has a football team! So awesome. I'll do live football anyday. It's tv football that makes me want to throw myself thru the window. ;)

Jackie- you were the cutest baby! My goodness.

I hope you & bebe tres are doing amazing.

Unknown said...

They were so much fun to watch!