Noa keeps prancing around saying, "I'm Queeeeeeeeennnnn of the faaaaaiiiiirrrrreeeesssstttt!" I think she's trying to say she's the fairest of all, but somehow it has become a twist on that phrase. I've heard that I used to always say, "I da queen." So, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, I guess.
Ruthie actually likes to wear these earrings around for quite a while. I am so surprised she doesn't rip them off right away, but I think she feels pretty. So cute!!
Noa was helping me go through a bin of material the other day and she found this scrap of fleece (why did I ever have this??). Anyway, she just saw some pictures of a friend's wedding, so all she wants to do now is pretend she has a strapless wedding dress on. Not too shabby for a scrappy piece of fleece pinned with one pin!
I found a junky old $3 shirt at the dollar store and made this other little short wedding dress for her. It actually fits Ruthie a little bit better and I think Noa prefers the fleece. Oh well. Many more years of dresses to come! :)
Princess Babers!
Just a normal day.
Ruthie drove a play car off of a deck yesterday (I didn't see it, the DADS were watching the kids) and cut up her eye. Then this morning I heard a big THUD in the other room and a bunch of crying. She tripped and hit her head on the coffee table going down, hence the line above her eye. Lookin' rough! Poor thing. But, I guess just a few typical days around here.
No Lydie pics. She's pretty uncomfortable lately as all of her top teeth are coming in at once! Will have to post the update when they're in! I just finished another quilt, so pics coming on that one too!
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